The Chapel Sydney

Loving God. Loving People.

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Sunday Feb 25, 2024

Jesus calls everyone to follow him and be his disciples. However, is there a cost and if there is what is it? And is it worth it? Join us today as we continue in our Mark series and we discover by denying ourselves and taking up our cross, we can follow Jesus Christ... and it is definitely worth it.
Passage: Mark 8:34-38

Sunday Feb 18, 2024

Through the story of Jesus and Levi, we see the heart of Jesus, a friend of sinners. And through this, we see that the invitation to follow Jesus is extended to all. Will you accept his invitation today?
Passage: Mark 2:13-17

Sunday Feb 11, 2024

Join us today as we start our new series in the Gospel of Mark. Straight from the beginning we're introduced to the good news of Jesus the Messiah, today in Mark chapter 1, we answer two questions; who is Jesus and why did Jesus come.
Passage: Mark 1:1-15

Sunday Feb 04, 2024

As we conclude our 'Belong' series, we finish with an important idea of hospitality. What does it mean to open up our homes and how does that affect our hearts? Why is hospitality so important in our belonging? Join us as we finish our series 'Belong'.
Passage: Hebrews 13:2

Sunday Jan 28, 2024

Sometimes we can underestimate a story, and yet stories are one of the most powerful elements of communication. To witness is to tell a story that you have seen and experienced. Jesus calls us to be his witnesses to the ends of the earth. What does it mean to be a story-teller for Jesus? Join us as we continue our series 'Belong'. God bless.
Passage: Acts 1:7-8

Sunday Jan 21, 2024

Even from a young age, we are taught that sharing is important. Why? Because it's where relationships and friendships are born. When we are sharing with each other, that's where we can show, give and receive love. As we continue this series titled 'Belong', what does it mean to be a sharing community in this day and age where we are taught to fight for ourselves? Join us as we learn the importance of sharing. God bless.
Passage: Acts 2:42-47

Sunday Jan 14, 2024

One of the deepest human desires is to belong. Research has shown that what we desire is acceptance into unconditional love and a place to belong. In Christ, we can find true belonging. To belong is to fully be known and fully be loved at the same time. Join us as we continue on in the series, 'Belong'. God bless.
Passage: Luke 19:1-10

Sunday Jan 07, 2024

Happy new year. Our prayer is that in 2024, you would draw near to God as He draws near to you. One of the greatest mistakes we can make in our Christian faith is that we can make our faith about what we can do for God - when God desires for us to come to Him. So as we begin 2024, join us as we take some time to come to him first. God bless.
Passage: Mark 1:17

Decision Made

Sunday Dec 31, 2023

Sunday Dec 31, 2023

As we wrap up 2023, have you taken a moment to reflect on what kind of year it has been? For many of us, the year has been filled not with numbers but with moments and decisions that created these moments. Out of all the decisions you made this year, what was the most significant? Can I put it to you today that the most important decision that you have had to make is - will I follow God today? Join us today as we make that decision once again - to follow God. God bless.
Passage: Joshua 24:1-15

Monday Dec 25, 2023

Merry Christmas everyone, from our family to yours. Sometimes when we get to Christmas we are reminded of the Christmas story, the birth of Jesus, a bunch of animals, angels, and some wise men. But when was the last time you celebrated Christmas? When was the last time the story of Christmas was so overwhelming that it made you rethink what life was about? Join us as we not only remind ourselves about the Christmas story, but celebrate the Christmas story. God bless.
Passage: Isaiah 9:6-7

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